Thursday, December 18, 2008


Yes.  Best.EVER!

This morning, I checked my GMail and noticed I had received an email from a known celebrity.  Glenn Beck was letting everyone on his SPAM list know that tonight was the last night to catch his Christmas Show ('The Christmas Sweater') at a theater near you.

I glanced over the email and thoughtlessly archived it in GMail.  I was a little bummed that I hadn't received a ticket (although it was on my Christmas list this year), but I also knew they were pricey and not easy to come by.

As I got ready to head home, Matt stopped by my desk and started asking me questions about going snowboarding tomorrow.  His questions seemed shallow and unimportant.  To girls, this might not seem odd, but to us guys who only talk when we have a pressing question - it was odd.  And awkward.  It was oddward.

After shedding Matt, I headed out to my car, unlocked the doors, and methodically threw in my bag and coat.

At that moment, a tan SUV pulled up behind me and blocked me from backing out.  A beautiful brunette bounced out of the car, grabbed me by the face and planted one right on my lips.  It was my hot wife and she was kidnapping me!

Grandma drove the boys to her house to play, eat, and spend the rest of the evening.

At first the kidnapping was just for dinner.  Then Kristine explained that she had acquired tickets to 'The Christmas Sweater'!

Because it was practically a sold out show, we didn't have time for dinner.  We decided that popcorn and soda would hold us over for a few hours.  We got our tickets, played a few video games, bought said junk food, and sat in the theater for about 40 minutes before the show started.

We chatted and scarfed down a tub of Kettle Corn.

I was impressed with the show.  It was such a great time.  The first Act was somewhat predictable, but the second Act brought many twists and tied everything into a GREAT Christmas message.  Glenn did a great job on stage, but I thought the singer (name to be placed sometime later) stole the show.  She had charisma, grace, and BOY could she sing!

We chuckled a bit here and there.  But, we mostly cried.  It was such a touching story about Christmas which tied in the Atonement.  I think its overall message was that some people feel they are not worthy or don't deserve God's love, grace, and blessings.  But 'The Christmas Sweater' showed that those are things given to us regardless of anything we have done, are doing, or have yet to do.  We simply have to accept them.  We are then encouraged to "wear" them - not hide them in a drawer like many of us do.

I'm not saying I don't enjoy an action flick as much as the next guy.  But, it is so relieving to sit in a movie theater and hear things which ring so true with my spirit.  Hearing things from Glenn's perspective opened my mind to ways I can improve myself and help others.  His words were refreshing.  I think in our Church, we often get caught up in repetition and I always love to hear Gospel Truths expressed in new ways.

Thank You, Kristine!  I love being surprised.  I love doing things with you by the seat of our pants.  I love that you planned an awesome surprise birthday party for me.  I was thrilled to go with you tonight.  And I look forward to other things coming our way.

I Love You!

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