Friday, November 14, 2008

...Its good for business

Yes, finally my very own blog.  I'm not sure if I should be excited about this or not.  We'll see how it goes...

So I named thie Flush Twice because of a saying my manager at work is always saying (OK maybe not always, but he says it quite often).

Flush Twice - its good for business

I work for a company that designs and builds water treatment equipment for municipalities and mining/industrial companies.  We treat everything from fresh, clean well water to nasty poo water to industrical waste water.

I am a programmer there - I make the system's valves open and close, turn pumps and blowers on and off, control their speed, and stir poo water faster or slower.  It may sound rough, but it is the most rewarding job I have ever had.  My favorite part of my job is designing the user interface for all of this so even the most simple minded waste water treatment plant operator can use the systems we build to their full potential.

So, that's me and this is my blog.  And remember - whoever you are, wherever you live FLUSH TWICE!

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