Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Web Comics

I am not a web comic junky, but I do enjoy a few.  
Dilbert is the best.  Hands down.  It describes everything that happens to me day by day TO.A.T. Especially anytime Mordac (The Preventer of Information Technology) shows up or anytime they introduce some Quality/Lean idea.  Maybe you would have to work here...
XKCD is also one of my favorites...  Sometimes.
Also Cy&H 

I just REALLY found today's comic hilarious for some reason.  It has nothing to do with how my dad brought me up.  Or how I plan on bringing up my children.  Ok, maybe it does.  I think it says a lot about a dad who is willing to pee in snow in front of his son.  We actually encourage Josh to pee on the lawn when he doesn't want to run inside and use the toilet.  And even when he does "use" the toilet, it ends up on the floor anyway (he uses the open lid of the toilet more like a backstop).  But that is beside the point.

The point is that I always want to be a "cool" dad.  I want to try and remain in touch with what is cool without throwing my principles aside.

I don't see how peeing in the snow is against any principle I have...

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